Today is the day. We, ALSTOM, is finally facing its legacy: A huge debt mountain. In the last time there was no income at all. Some smaller power plants were ordered and some service treaties were signed. But all this was only a very small drop of water on a very hot plate. In the afternoon the banks (32 I heart) will decide and midnight the die reprieve is over. Facing the fact that the EU is not willing to let France help which was the key of the rescue plan, the fate for our company is quit clear. For me I think it would be better. There is no real future for the ALSTOM. No customer will trust us. So the French state could delay the downfall. But even the Grande Nation will not be able to bring ALSTOM back on his feet.
A storm's coming in: Here in Rocksavage (a real one) and back home in Baden.
skaifyomonul - 22. Sep, 10:05
Rocksavage is frustrating. Together with the actual condition of our company to stay here is like to have a invitation from Mephistopheles. So it is good to see something different. Today we tried the famous Lake District a little bit to the north near Lancaster. The weather looked perfect for a walk in this famous place. From a lot of British guys I heart that this National Park must be great and so I was keen to see it. But most probably You can guess what happened: I saw nothing! Because in the Lake District it was foggy. We've done our walk and we saw a little bit of a landscape which looks for sure awesome during a sunny day. Afterwards I was thinking how nice it would be to do a real trek here.
Somehow it was a unfair day. When we drove back to Runcorn soon after we left the Lake District the weather was perfect again. At least the pizza in Chester was good. There we saw pictures from better days. It is not my first time here in Rocksavage and it was not the first time we ate in this pizzeria. On the wall was a photograph from us when we were there for the outage two years ago.
skaifyomonul - 22. Sep, 10:05
Wau! Es hat mal wieder zu einem Film gereicht. Kino in Chester. Film Underworld. Und ... war mal wieder ordentliche Unterhaltung. Mehr aber natürlich nicht. Was soll man auch von den Hollywoodschinken heute noch erwarten. Nette Hauptdarstellerin und viel Schiesserei. Dazu noch massenweise Blut und das alles ab 15. Die Zeiten ändern sich. Früher gab es noch echte Horrorstreifen, die schon wegen ein paar abgehackter Hände nicht jugendfrei dafür aber wahnsinnig spannend waren. Heute wundert man sich schon, wenn einer noch alle Körperteile an sich hat. Dafür langweilt man sich bei Story und Spannung zu Tode. Egal, ob sich Hollywood in der letzten Zeit mit Soldaten, Heiraten oder eben Zombies beschäftigt, es kamen eben immer nur Actionstreifen dabei heraus. Allerdings darf ich jetzt nicht vergessen, dass der Film auch komische Momente hatte. Noch bevor die ersten Kugeln prasselten fand sich dieses mal eine Warnung an alle Hobbyfilmer im Kinosaal. Sie verstossen gegen das Copyright und deswegen ist ihr Tun verboten, so stand es dort in grossen weissen Lettern. Am Ende fragt man sich nur, wer denn hier gegen das Copyright verstösst. Immerhin wurden ganze Szenen aus der Matrix gestohlen.
skaifyomonul - 22. Sep, 10:04