SOI has occurred
Only three words - but the tension is high.
SOI stands for Saturn Orbit Insertion. Today Cassini was passing through the rings of the gas giant. The probe used the main antenna dish as shield. Afterwards the Saturn satellite to-be was turning around and fired his main engine for around 96 minutes. Cassini should have lost afterwards 2250 km/h. This reduction of speed is enough for Saturn to catch the probe and cast it into orbit. If everything is working like calculated we can expect another successful mission to a gas giant after Huygens. If not ...
... I waited nearly 7 years for this event. It would be no catastrophe but it would be extremely sad. So lets hope that Saturn got its 32nd moon this morning ;-)
SOI stands for Saturn Orbit Insertion. Today Cassini was passing through the rings of the gas giant. The probe used the main antenna dish as shield. Afterwards the Saturn satellite to-be was turning around and fired his main engine for around 96 minutes. Cassini should have lost afterwards 2250 km/h. This reduction of speed is enough for Saturn to catch the probe and cast it into orbit. If everything is working like calculated we can expect another successful mission to a gas giant after Huygens. If not ...
... I waited nearly 7 years for this event. It would be no catastrophe but it would be extremely sad. So lets hope that Saturn got its 32nd moon this morning ;-)
skaifyomonul - 1. Jul, 08:26